Many women suffer from an enlarged labia minora, which may cause pain and discomfort during sex or when wearing tight pants or gym clothes. The labia minora, or vaginal lips, cover and protect the vaginal introitus from the exterior environment. In cases where there is an increase in length, the vaginal lips can be reduced. In cases of aging, there is volume loss, which is a common aesthetic complaint. This can be corrected with fat grafting. Labiaplasty is the name given to the reduction or correction of an enlarged labia minora.
Am I a candidate for this procedure?
Labiaplasty is recommended for women with enlarged labia minora and who suffer from pain and discomfort from twisting and tugging of the labia.
The procedure
Labiaplasty is performed in a hospital setting under local or epidural anesthesia. The length of the labia minoria is reduced, and this procedure may or may not include fat grafting. Absorbable sutures are used to avoid the need to remove them. The patient may be discharged on the same day.
Labiaplasty recovery
The patient should maintain good, vaginal hygiene handled with care, avoid physical activities, and abstain from sexual activity for 45 days.
You may resume any personal care activities after surgery.
Follow-up visits should be made as advised by your plastic surgeon.