Many people, even with a regular diet and exercising, have excess sagging skin in the upper arms that droops downwards. This can be caused by genetic factors, weight fluctuations, aging, among other factors.
Excess skin in the upper arms can be a crucial factor in reducing one’s quality of life. It can be difficult to perform physical activities with others and have a healthy social life. It is common for patients to point out that they feel their arms bounce when waving goodbye.
Arm lift, or brachioplasty, is the procedure that reduces excess sagging skin and fat from under portion of the upper arm.
Am I a candidate for this procedure?
An arm lift may be recommended if you’re concerned with significant upper arm skin laxity. There is not an ideal age for this procedure. It is important to discuss with your surgeon the size and positioning of the scars.
The procedure
The arm lift is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia. An incision may extend from the underarm to just above the elbow or to the middle of the arm — depending on the patient’s preference and amount of excess skin. Small, thin tubes may be placed for 24 hours under the skin to drain excess fluid or blood that may collect. In some cases, a drain is not necessary. The procedure takes about 3 hours, and the patient stays overnight in the hospital.
Arm lift recovery
After the arm lift, the patient should wear bandages for 60 days. Any physical activity should be avoided for 45 days. You may resume any personal care activities after surgery.
Follow-up visits should be made as advised by your plastic surgeon.
How long will my results last?
It is not possible to predict the durability of an arm lift result. The result will depend on several individual factors, which varies from patient to patient. For example: genetic factors, lifestyle, and skin care.
The combination of dermatological procedures and proper skin care is important to maintain post-surgery results.